GMP certification becomes FCA
There are several possible
international standards to guarantee quality productions in animal nutrition.
Among them, we have chosen GMP certification from OVOCOM organization, for wich
we are certified since 2007, because we estimate this very binding international
standard fits the best with our activity.
Ovocom had recently decided to
move forward with GMP rules, under a different name and logo: Feed Chain
Alliance (FCA). The Feed Chain Alliance standard further its position to be
even more competitive at international level, combining quality and food safety
for animals: Together for safety and qualityy.
More information on the web
site : www.ovocom.be

New certification since the
24th August 2015: AEO Certification.
A year on we set up in our new
premises at Plaintel, and we decided to apply for AEO status (Authorised
Economic Operator) to our Customs authorities, in order to simplify and secure
our international business exchanges.
It has been an important structuring step for our company which is, actually,
constantly evolving.
This certification including
the following sections: « customs simplifications » and « security/safety »,
now provides us lots of benefits on customs procedures (lower risk to have
customs physical controls and documentary checks) or customs controls (ie :
prior treatment of shipment in case of control, previous notification in case
of control…). Our exchanges are thus, easier with countries getting
international agreements which recognized the AEO status.
For ALPHATECH, this Authorised
Economic Operator status is a way to establish a relationship based on trust
with customs administration, which becomes a real partner for us. |